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Basic Information of Textile Testing and Quality Control

Textile testing and quality control is one of the most important parts in textile industry. So every textile engineer should know the terms of Textile testing and quality control.

Textile Testing: Textile testing is the process of determining or analysis the properties of different kinds of Textile products.
There are mainly two types of testing, one is routine process testing and another is quality record testing. The result of routine process testing can be got quickly in the working field. The result of quality record testing is to be recorded for different objects to finish the work.

Objectives of textile testing
  1. To select the proper raw materials
  2. To help the different processes of spinning, weaving, dyeing, finishing etc
  3. To help increase the product quality

Quality control: Quality control generally taken to mean the maintenance of product quality by the regular inspection of critical stages in the manufacturing process. So is can be divided into two step of quality control 1. Checking or Inspection 2. Rectification

How Quality Control Maintain
By the inspection it can get two types of faults or defects one is removable and the other one is unmemorable. So by checking or inspection it may found these defects. Then it come rectification step. If defects can remove then it repair on the other hand if defects can’t be remove then it need to replace.

Objectives of quality control
1.     To produce required quality product
2.     To fulfill the customer's demand
3.     To reduce the production cost
4.     To reduce wastage


Note: If anyone has any question or any query about the topic, then please give your opinion in comment box.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you that textile testing plays a vital role for the garment quality. Thanks for your sharing. testextextile.com /objectives-of-textile-testing.


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